Friday, 14 December 2012

SharePoint Surveys in SP 2013

Surveys in MOSS 2007 were rudimentary to say the least.  I always felt it was a token effort by Microsoft to include surveys in the product suite.

By 2007, there were several well-featured, on-line survey tools available (like SurveyMonkey, Zoomerang), and I saw a number of clients spurn their in-house, freely available corporate platform (SharePoint) survey feature, only to take up a paid subscription with an on-line provider.

So I was a little surprised to see that not much - OK nothing - had changed in the 2010 release. 

However (drum roll), I recently cracked open the out-of-box Survey feature in SharePoint 2013 to find the following incredible new bells and whistles:

So how about that?

No, you read it right. Nothing has changed. Not even a nice new "polling" web part. Nothing. So it is on with 3rd party providers in what I see as a bit of a black spot with SharePoint's user offering.
In fact, I'd say this is a great opportunity for a new App Store offering.

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